Monday 23 July, 2007

HP Mania

What is this whole craze about harry potter 7? or is it 6? I am not sure. I can Google and check, but who's interested in whether it is 6 or 7 ! Some HP mania cases I have heard/seen ...

1) My niece and nephew saw the latest released HP movie on the first day, first show. They got the latest book as soon as it was released and since they share the book they have reading slots defined for themselves, 2 hours each. While one person reads for 2 hours the other keeps looking at the clock. The book cost them Rs700 something, and the shop was selling the book as a package with some Rs200 voucher and something else, and they had to buy that if they wanted the book !

2) My son's friend, all of 8 years saw the movie with his 3 year old sister as soon as it got released. What he understood from the movie? some magical words that HP says.Now both he and my son keep repeating those words with a stick in their hand.

3) My husband's friend's son - all of 9 years.Finished reading 80 pages of the book on the day the book was released!

4) Saw some crazy fans on the television, dressed up like HP book's characters waiting for the book's release

Now I am wondering whether I am abnormal not to have read a single HP book. I have not seen any of the movies either, not even the one they keep showing on television.

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